Friday, May 1, 2009
Encroachments on state lands in Chitral
By Islamuddin
Chitral is the biggest district of NWFP covering an area of about 15,000 square kilometers. Only 3% of this land is either under cultivation or built up and the remaining 97% land, comprising mountains, glaciers, forests, pastures, barren land and riverbed has traditionally been held by the people in common (shamilat). The entire population in the catchment areas have historically enjoyed user rights on these categories of lands.
In 1975 the Govt. of NWFP issued a notification to regulate use of the common land (shamilat). Under this notification control over the 97% land, comprising shamilat was given to the state, while the people were allowed user rights subject to state regulations. However, either owing to connivance or political pressure the Govt. machinery was unable to control and regulate the state land.
In 1977 when the PPP Govt. was overthrown, the landed aristocracy shifted its loyalty and became camp follower of Ziaul Haq in return for his support to subvert Bhutto’s Land Reforms. With the active patronage of Ziaul Haq, the judicial process was also manipulated to give legal cover to the encroachments of state land. Official custodians of state property opted to stay on side lines, while landed aristocracy fought out their cases in the courts. With the Govt. keeping out of the legal battles, the Notification of 1975 was not pressed into service until 2005, when the Chitral Dost Alliance made it an election issue. Again in the 2007 general elections the Notification of 1975 was made an election issue by the PPP candidate for the provincial seat. Soon after the election, in march 2007, the provincial Govt. of NWFP issued a circular to the settlement staff of Chitral not to transfer state lands to private individuals.
The people of Chitral have pined great hopes with the coalition Govt. of NWFP. Both PPP and ANP are perceived to be pro-poor parties. Their intention to implement 1975 Notification is a testimony of their commitment. But, as the saying goes, the taste of the pudding is in the eating. The people of Chitral want to see action on the ground. So far no drive has been launched to remove encroachments and reclaim state lands. We have yet to see the state impleading itself in cases involving state property. In fact it is still the other way round. State lands continue to be encroached. Land mafia is again trying to close ranks with the new ruling parties to protect their vested interests and defeat the laws of the land. Any further delay to establish writ of the Government may push it to evacuating state lands through military action.
On the one hand state is being deprived of its property and on the other hand reckless use of the land is pushing Chitral towards environmental catastrophy. Forests and glaciers are disappearing, roads and river leads are shrinking causing floods due to overflow. Land erosion, windstorms and floods have become order of the day. The people of Chitral are looking towards the Govt with expectancy. They are demanding of the Govt. to assert its authority. Encroachments should be removed and closed cases, where the Govt. failed to implead itself in land disputes, should be reopened. In case there are legal impediments, these should be removed through legislation.
The existing situation is simply untenable. How can 99% people survive on 2% land, while 98% land remains out of bound for them due to official apathy? The Govt must establish its writ and restore public confidence in its ability to do justice. It is time to act before it is too late and the suggested action should not confine itself to the reclaiming of the encroached state land but it must also include action against officials and elected representatives who failed to protect Govt. interests.
Chitral offers the promise of becoming the richest district, if it can reclaim its control over the 97% state land, which it can lease out to the local people. At present it is paying hefty amounts to land grabbers for buying sand, concrete and stones from the illegal occupants of river beds for its different development projects in the construction sector. It reflects poorly on the state and the people of Chitral, that a few land grabbers are fleecing them. Before the people of Chitral are pushed to the wall, the state must come to their rescue as well as to establish its own writ.
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Awesome and rugged

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Kishmanja, a beautiful village in Yarkhun valley
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- Encroachments on state lands in Chitral
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About Me

- Zar Alam Khan Razakhel
- Village Dizg, Yarkhun valley, Chitral, Pakistan
- I blog at (ChitralToday) about Chitral, its people, culture, traditions and issues. I have been writing about Chitral since 2000. Chitral is a scenic valley in the extreme north-west of Pakistan.
1 comment:
Inter-faith dialogue and the Imam of Ismailis
First of all I personally respect HH Prince Karim Aga Khan as intelectual and phelonthropist of of highest level, and apreciate his services for Chitral in general and for poors in Ismaili community of Chitral in particular. At the same time i will request Mr. Islamuddin to keep his version of Ismailism and his visions up to himself; as I have spent long time with Ismaili community, I never herd any Ismaili calling the words of HH Aga Khan the prophetic words, as according to en.wikipedia prophetic means related to prophet. We can call prophetic words only to those mentioned in Ahadith. We are not expecting or accepting another prophet After Mohammad (PBH). As in sunism there is no concept of spiritual Imamat and definition of Imam is totally different then that in Ismailism. Though I am not a religious scholar to declare which definition is right.
Secondly running the blood of Mohammad (PBH) or any other prophet after 50 generations does not guarantee the holiness of any person. I am sure there must be and are some other extra ordinary qualities of the HH prince Aga Khan as well, enabling him to lead the Ismailism other then being progeny of prophet Mohammad (PBH).
Thirdly the sunis don’t take Islam for granted, we highly appreciate and respect the sacrifices of the companions of Mohammad (PBH) to offer the highest sacrifices to preserve every saying and actions of our beloved prophet, which are mean of hidaya for us today.
Regarding establishing Islamic Centers to discuss common issue, I could not understand which is the issue in Ismailism under thread. If there is any issue, that is not or least related to Ismailism. Every body who has some interest in religions in the west knows that, the present issues are related to a major particular sect of Islam. The biggest mosque on ground zero of 9/11 was discussed for few weeks on media then permission is granted to build the mosque there.
As far as being Prince Karim Aga Khan’s being Imam if humanity and universe is concern, I am sure the sunis and Shias will never accept it theirs, I can not say anything for rest of faiths and communities of the universe..
At last, the knowledge transferred from Mohammad (PBH) which he received through Wahi and elaborated though actions and commands and asked to be practiced are called five pillars of Islam not prejudices and hangovers.
There is no narcissism being practiced by any Muslim, we call them narrations and those are part of IMAAN.
The concept of Pluralism (the existence of groups with different ethnic, religious, or political backgrounds within one society) in general interpretation is totally different then the pluralism in Islam (Islamic pluralism could be defined as existence of different ethnic groups within Islamic society) so, we must understand the western pluralism and Islamic pluralism)
All India Muslim league was was a political group fought for separate country; I don’t think any one including myself believes Muslim league to be a religious School of thought.
At the end it is not every one in Islam thinks suicidal course to be un Islamic action everywhere and they are are bound to end up in ignominy. This statement could be true in some case, but in other cases it is a tactic in war, obviously not to be practiced in bazaar or in any other place other then battle.
At the end I will request all the writer not to try to be smart to impose their religious understandings on others, the choice is obviously there for every one.
Dr. Khalil (Jughooru)
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