I used to live in Chitral for quite long time during the Afghan War and I travelled through Broghil and Durah so many times, I was doing stone business in Chitral. This is the only source to read this online news paper to be incontact with Chitrali people. I always remember the Chitrali people, their simplicity, honesty and hospitality. I have enough information about the route which is more discussed in the local online news papers. What is feel I want to extant this topic into you online news papers as well because too many readers browsing the online newspaper. Currently, I have a leather business in the Nothern City of Tajikistan "Khujand". The letter I am pasting bellow also you can find in attahced file,
Mirza Muhammad Ziayie
Khujan - Tajikistan
Chitral – Ishkashem Highway Project
During my studies in Kazakistan one of my colleagues awed me very much, there were two reasons; one I was not a good reader, weak in studies and second I was not good as my friend was in Russian. It took me three months; I mean I was so impressed, he was quoting books and writers all the time; one fine morning we were sitting outside the apartment Ms. Dilnozo asked me about my friend Mr. Rahmikodov. I replied; he is very learned guy, and she smile, her impression was showing that something is wrong. I mean to quote the sentence here is, we have to take this debate on a very positive way and on realistic grounds, not the fake materials people do write and we will extract. Whilst, the topic we are talking, is very important for the future generations of Chitral, Badakhshan Afghanistan and Badakhshan Tajikistan. Before I start answering the respectable writers, I can apologize first, because my English is not up to that standard and I am not a good writer
like them. However, I am not personally targeting anyone; it is a kind of experience sharing. During the Afghan war several times I traveled to Chitral from Badakhshan and Chitral to Badakhshan via Durah, Khatinza and once from Broghil. During my student life and even now I have very frequent visits to Central Asian Countries, still doing business in Khujan Tajikistan. Last week I traveled from Ishkashem Afghanistan – Tajikistan via Khorog to Dushanbe then fly to Khujand.
First of all, I can comments on the first writer; Mr. I. Aseer’s write up is impressive one; he has a good knowledge about the area from Chitral to up –to Ishkashem Bridge. The same he has written is perceive sound; I met one Chitrali guy in 1994, we travelled from Chitral Town to Garum Chashma, he was helper with the surveyor team, still I remember his name; Syed Alim Shah. During discussion he told that the distance is the same what Mr. I. Aseer has written in his letter. But on the other hand, I will be disagreeing with the distances given by Mr. Aseer between Dushanbe and Chitral is not the correct one. Yes, it is right as Alim Shah told that 185 to 225 like that, it is from Chitral to Ishkashem not Dushanbe it might be miss printed. While, you are travelling from Chitral to Dushanbe that you have to choose three bridges to enter into Tajikistan.
Bridge One (Ishkashem)
The nearest bridge which has access for heavy and light vehicular is Ishkashem the bridge has been inaugurated by HH Prince Karim Aga Khan, Mr. Khalili from Afghan side and Mr. Imam Ali Rahmanov the President of Tajikistan. If you cross that bridge you will enter into Tajikisan there is only one road leads to Dushanbe is the road on the right bank of Oxus River (Darya-e-Panj in Tajikistan and Dary-e-Amu the Afghan people says). The condition is good in most places but, it is difficult to travel in winter time due to heavy snow fall as we experienced last week. Here, I can share with our readers about the distances between Chitral to Ishkashem Tajikistan is similar like that what Mr. I. Aseer has written as I traveled, but it might be less or may be 50 km longer not more than that. While, you are travelling from Chitral to Brogil it is approximately 220 km only in Pakistan side. Beside of that last year July when we went to Brogil in Afghanistan side we
measured by our own jeep distance recorder, it is 110 km from Ishkashem to Khandud the capital town of Brogil and the same from Khandud to Brogil, it means 220 km from Afghanistan side. So, to reach the first bridge through Broghil pass indicates traveling more than 440 km from Chitral to reach Ishkashem Bridge. In one autumn we three friends traveled from Chitral to Ishkashem , it was 1996 and took fifteen days to reach there through Broghil. While, travelling from Chitral to Ishkashem is only three days journey through Durah Pass. Here, I can also mention the distance between Ishkashem to Khorog that is 180 km and distance between Khorog to Dushanbe is 579 km but, if you reached in Khorog one another road is leading to Kirghizstan, so you may go to Dushanbe or other central Asian Country (but only in summer Kirghizistan).
Bridge Two (Shughanan)
The second Bridge also constructed by Aga Khan Development Network between Shughnan Afghanistan to Khorog. Shughnan is like Chitral, six month cut off from the other part of Afghanistan due to heavy snow fall in Shiwa Pass. If you are choosing this bridge to go to Tajikistan then you have to travel to Baharak and then Shiwa pass to Shughan and then Khorog. So, from Ishkashem to Baharak it is approximately 100 km & Baharak to Shughan is approximately the same 100 km the road through Brogil will be 640 to enter into Tajikistan. While, choosing Durah Pass you cannot go to Ishkashem and the distance between Ishkashem and Zebok is 35 km so, between Chitral and Khorog will be 385. Hence, you are in a Central Asian City, you may go to Dushanbe or Kirghizstan from there.
Bridge Three
Sher Khan Bandar the Main Bridge between Afghanistan and Tajikistan
This bridge is situated at a distance of 85 km from Kunduz city, most trade between Central Asian Countries and Afghanistan is accessible through this bridge & route. It is easy for reset of the Asian countries to choose this route rather than the other two bridges, except security the road condition and other infrastructure is very good, if road has been constructed between Chitral to Badakhshan this route will be used sometimes in winter. Here, again I can write the distance between Faizabad the capital city of Badakhshan and Kunduz is 265 and between Ishkashem to Faizabad is 160.
Now I would like to answer the second writer
1. The road will cross through Pakistani Territory (expect Wakhon Strip), what I think is not the the right statement when we are talking about Durah or Broghil, it is only Possible through Arkari to cross the 20 km of Wakhon Strip at Qazdeh, but it is not possible because of the glacier on the way between Arkari and Qazdeh.
2. Every county construct road to see the future feasibility not only to see the current scenario, the future cost of trades and travelers are also being considered. If we think like that the road from Peshawer through Gilgit to Chital is more feasible as compare to Lawari Tunnel. Furthermore, Durah pass was available for vehicular traffic for several years and it has been blocked in several places when Mr. Najmuddin Khan was Commander of Northern Badakhshan due to Taliban fears, only needs repair and expansion.
3. Yes, here I can agree with the writer that very short span of time the road will be constructed, but huge amount will be spend on maintenance or these kinds of roads are constructed for one time. Aga Khan Rural Support Programme built roads even for pastures in Northern Pakistan, Broghil is the only area don’t have road access, what I think is maintenance.
4. Yes, the Broghil road is much easier for Silk Route and if we are thinking about China that this side is 100% more feasible than current KKH between Pakistan & China.
5. Wakhan is six month cut off with other part of Afghanistan due to snow fall and both sides Durah and Broghil are not feasible in winter but using modern technology it can be possible.
6. Finally, we don’t have to be impressed from the Western people and the NOTES OF CHITRAL which written by them, just ask thousand Chitralies & Afghanis living in Chitral have been to Badakhshan during the Afghan war and after that, which part is shortest and more reasonable THAT WE CAN SAY A BEST NOTE.
7. Last but not least, I can comments on the writer’s view & try to correct him; the Capital City of Afghan Province Badakhshan is Faizabad. If you are travelling from Faizabad to Mazar-e-Sharif, you have to go to Takhar Province first then Kuduz Province, then Baghlan Province then Smangan Province then you can enter into Balkh Province and Mazar-e-Sharif is the capital city of Balkh. When we are talking about historical records & trade, we can start from the very recent records i.e. trade during Afghan War (which I was also doing stone business through Durah Pass), at the Time of Mehtar-e-Chitral and Religious Scholars like Hakin Nasir-e-Khisraw and Pir Shams. I can agree with the writer that there are some stories regarding Kirghiz & Chinese people who were using the Broghil route for Pilgrims and trade and still that is feasible for China and the Kirghizstan but that must be another topic like Kashghar or Pamir – Chitral highway not
Chitral – Ishkashem Highway.
Mirza Mohammad Ziayie
Khujand - Tajikistan
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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Awesome and rugged

Beauty of Chitral

Kishmanja, a beautiful village in Yarkhun valley
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On way to Bumburet
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About Me

- Zar Alam Khan Razakhel
- Village Dizg, Yarkhun valley, Chitral, Pakistan
- I blog at http://chitraltoday.net (ChitralToday) about Chitral, its people, culture, traditions and issues. I have been writing about Chitral since 2000. Chitral is a scenic valley in the extreme north-west of Pakistan.
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