Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chitralis & Nizam-e-Adl - Letter

It is with reference to a letter of MR. K.A Jamil Shahnawi about Chitral and the Nizam-e-Adl regulation.
Thank to Mr Shahnawi for his profound sympathies for Ismailis as he says that they (Ismailis) are his brothers. But one can't forget his prejudice, cumbersome attitude and thinking about Ismailis which he has been very proudly sharing and practicing with his friends and other associates. Who can ignore how he treated his Ismaili staff members when he was serving in a project of rural water supply in Chitral. Anyhow, we are happy to see Mr. Shahnawi in a changed and friendly mode but at the same breath will request him to stop his poisonous propaganda against the whole Ismaili community, may be he has his personal animosities with someone but other Ismailis are his "brothers". In fact, Mr. Shahnawi's letter is the voice of his heart to threaten the Ismaili community.
As far as Nizam-e-Adle is concerned, Ismailis have never opposed it. A reliable and strong system is needed and will favor all the stakeholders. I solely agree with Dr. Faizi's comments about the system. He has very positively quoted the pre-1969 era when the Ismaili community in Chitral relied on Mezan Shariat and will always support such a judicial system if ever implemented.

K.B Shah

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Village Dizg, Yarkhun valley, Chitral, Pakistan
I blog at (ChitralToday) about Chitral, its people, culture, traditions and issues. I have been writing about Chitral since 2000. Chitral is a scenic valley in the extreme north-west of Pakistan.