Translation of a letter from JEMADAR RAB NAWAZ KHAN, News-writer at Chitral, to COLONEL A. G. DURAND, C.B., British Agent at Gilgit, No. 63, dated Chitral, the 4th December 1892.
I regret hundreds of times that Government took no care of us up to this moment. A detail of the incidents and anxieties that came over us can¬not at present be given. The roads having been closed, I could not write to you; however, secretly, I have been sending direct reports to Foreign. Office by way of, Peshawar.
The state of affairs at the present moment is that Sher Afzal fled towards Drosh on the 3rd December. He will probably go to Asmar. About 30 Chitralis have accompanied him. Two messengers of Nizam-ul-Mulk have gone in pursuit of Sher Afzal with a view to bring him back, to make peace with him, and thus to pass time. Sher Afzal has sent all the treasure of the late Mehtar by mules and ponies towards Badakhshan. It is said a few thousands of rupess are still in Shogot. Today, the 4th, I got a kind letter from Captain Younghusband; it gave me the greatest please as if it gave life to a dead man with the troops.
I am therefore going back to Chitral with Sardar Nizam-ul-I have mentioned in mine, of the 4th instant about Sher -Afzal and his sons going towards Badakhshan. I have now come to know that Sher Afzal on his departure gave a reward of Rs. 1,000 to each of the headmen from Latku to Drosh. They have all sworn by the name of God to remain loyal to him and to assist in his becoming Mehtar. Those headmen, by whose conspiracy Afzal-ul-Mulk met his death, were ready to accompany Sher Afzal, but after consultation Sher Afzal directed them to remain in their houses. Therefore all those have remained in their houses. A secret news agent tells me all these people are of one opinion and counsel, and are conspiring to murder Nizam-ul-Mulk like-Afzal. Besides this, Mullas, Mians and great and small men of Chitral are also sorry to lose Sher Afzal and words will not suffice to express their regret. The learned men of Chitral having come to this conclusion have given orders to the effect that, according to the books of Islam, a jihad [religious war] is permitted against Nizam-ul-Mulk. But Sher Afzal finding himself unable to encounter his troops, which he thought were coming, became anxious and fled. Having seen Nizam-ul-Mulk I informed him of all this, and warned him to take care of his life as well as to carry on the work of the country peacefully. In reply; Nizam-ul-Mulk said he cannot do anything himself, all these people having become dishonest.
I wish Colonel Durand or Mr. Robertson would come up here with some sepoys as soon as possible. By the coming of the officers, public opinion will get reformed and my perse¬verance stengthened.
With reference to Muhammad Wali, Mir Wali's son, Nizam-ul-Mulk told me as Muhammad Wali is against him and his presence harmful to him and an hindrance in rendering service to Government, Muhammad Wall had better be taken down to Gilgit and kept there. This would highly oblige Nizam-ul-Mulk, who would appoint a brother of his as ruler of Warshagam, who would do service to Government in a suitable way.
I have learnt that the people from Warshagam to Ghizr want to make Muhammad Wali their Mehtar. Some elders of Mastuj too have agreed with them, and want to throw off the. Ghitral yoke by separating their ilaka. They do not want Nizam-ul-Mulk made their Mehtar. About 40 Warshagum persons are with Nizam-ul-Mulk, and do not want Muhammad Wali for their ruler. In ray opinion if Chitral is divided into two parts, i.e., Chitral with Nizam-ul-Mulk, and Warshagam with Muhammad Wali Khan, this will end l to the Government work, and cause displeasure and harm to Nizam-ul-Mulk. A son of the late Mehtar by his Asmari wife has from fear of Nizam-ul-Mulk gone over to Umra Khan. The boy's sister is a wife of Umra Khan.
Translation of a letter from SAEDAE NIZAM-UL-MULK to LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A.G. DURAND, British Agent at Gilgit, Sated the 13th December 1892.
After compliments. - I have already informed you of the flight of Sher Afzal's son from Drasan and Sher Afzal himself from Chitral. The full particulars of their fight are that Sher Afzal himself fled by way of Askari. In his critical position he did not go by pony road. None from this country went with him. Thirty of his servants have been capture. I have been up to this time in. Drasan making arrangements. Now I start for Chitral. As my Government is quite a new one, I hope you would, as you cannot youself come up, send some other officer for settling affairs here and satisfying the people. It is absolutely necessary. Mir Wali's son is at the
No. 2923, dated the 22nd December 1892.
From - LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A.G. DURAND, C.B., British Agent La Gilgit, To - SARDAR NIZAM-UL-MULK, Chitral.
After compliments. - I have received your letters, and congratulate you on the successful result of your actions. When parting with you I said I hoped to see you next as Mehtar of Chitral. By the will of God, your own courage and the help of your friends you have obtained your object; may your success be permanent and your rule assured. I have not sent in an officer to you at once for the reasons I verbally gave you; but I have received the authority of the Supreme Government to despatch the mission which was to have started under Mr. Robertson at the fitting moment. At present Mr. Robertson is occupied with Chilas affairs. All is well there, and our troops occupy Chilas; but there may be some further fighting, as the Koli Palas people are said to be sufficiently foolish as to meditate an attack on the force. The result will be severe loss to them.
All this causes delay, but need cause you no anxiety. You have now occupied Chitral and made yourself master of your, father's dominions. Remember, I beg of you, the ad rice I gave you here before you started. Murders, oppression, arid threats lost your brother his life arid power. Your nature is, I believe, against a repetition of such cruelty, as your interests are against any such folly. Use every endeavour to gain over your uncle's late adherents; the majority was, bought by "him, and the little hold he had over them is shown by their desertion of his cause. Be firm and just, and if you have to punish, which is quite possible, do so judicially. The people have proved themselves on your side and if you are resolute, your power will increase every day. About Yasen remember what I told you; Muhammad Wali is coming here to see me, and can do you no harm/now. You must treat him as a friend not as an enemy, aid do not think of displacing him now as Governor of Yasen.
Consult Jemadar Rab Nawaz Khan freely on important matters.
I am sending back to Chitral she Vakils, Tahamal Shah, Mustamir Khan and Sidk Ali Shajb, who went to Kashmir this spring. I trust this will find you in good health. Be assured of my friendship and of my 'wish for your welfare.
P.S.—Since writing above, I have received orders from Government, saying that. Captain- Younghusband should now be sent, to Chitral, and that troops should remain in Yasen.
No. 2924, dated the 22nd December. 1892
From The British Agent at Gilgit, To — Khan Bahadur JEMADAR RAB NAWAZ KHAN, News writer at Chitral. After compliments. - I have received your two letters, dated 4th and 11th December 1892, I did not write to you during the recent troubles in Chitral, because I knew that Sher Afzal would read any letters sent. I have been most anxious about your safety and that of Ghulam, Mohi-ud-din, and have done my best to ensure it. Now things, so far as you are concerned, appear to be going well which is a great relief to me. There are two main points in your letters. The rule of Yasen, and the sending of a British officer to Chitral. As regards the former. I pointed out repeatedly to Nizam-ul-Mulk that in his own
............................... ............................... .
Yasen against him by any attempt to displace him now bygone of his brothers. The second point is the deputation of a British officer immediately await the orders of Government about this, but do not propose to send one. If all goest well, a mission will go under Mr. Robertson as originally and that so soon as seems advisable; you can assure all of this. But there must be some delay, as Mr. Robertson cannot the Indus valley just at present. I told the Sardar again and again that he must by his own exertions and by the free will of the people make himself Mehtar. He has succeeded and must play his own game. I am perfectly aware that the help the Chitralis considered I was giving him turned the scales in his favour, and that he needs our support; but, as I have told the late Mehtar and his sons time without number, Government will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country. Nizam-ul-Mulk has a strong party and able men on his side, and must strain every nerve to make himself stronger and more popular.
There must be no retaliation or murders such as ruined Afzal-ul-Mulk. I look to you to make him act firmly and sensity. If the has to punish treachery as he may be forced to do in self-defence, see that the thing is done judicially before the Mullas. What has become of Inayat Khan, Wafadar Khan, Ghulam, and are any of the legitimate sons of the late Mehtar still alive? The news from the Indus valley is good. Our troops hold Chilas, but I expect another attack from the Koli Palas people to take place either today or tomorrow which will be defeated as usual. After writing above received orders from Government, saying Captain Younghusband should go now to Chitral, and that the Government force should remain in Yasen.
Monday, February 16, 2009
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Awesome and rugged

Beauty of Chitral

Kishmanja, a beautiful village in Yarkhun valley
Lush green

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The legendary village of Ayun in Chitral

On way to Bumburet
Dizg, Yarkhun

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About Me

- Zar Alam Khan Razakhel
- Village Dizg, Yarkhun valley, Chitral, Pakistan
- I blog at (ChitralToday) about Chitral, its people, culture, traditions and issues. I have been writing about Chitral since 2000. Chitral is a scenic valley in the extreme north-west of Pakistan.
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